Public Safetybackground

Public Safety Department

"Government's first duty and highest obligation is Public Safety"

-Arnold Schwarzenegger

About Us

Mission: To serve and protect the citizens of Charlotte County through leadership, teamwork, and exceptional services.

Charlotte County Public Safety comprises Emergency Management, Fire & EMS, Fire Prevention, Animal Control, Radio Communications, and the Public Safety Training Center. The department utilizes a highly skilled workforce to provide services to protect life and property, mitigate hazards, and respond to emergencies.

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Image 1 of 9 in gallery section. Image title is EM.Image 2 of 9 in gallery section. Image title is 319908825_3269029140031372_2990776498717309093_n.Image 3 of 9 in gallery section. Image title is 330044985_1172525453423658_5901448684798024113_n.Image 4 of 9 in gallery section. Image title is Group EVM.Image 5 of 9 in gallery section. Image title is 1A.Image 6 of 9 in gallery section. Image title is 341793532_190386730516516_4138785992560163538_n.Image 7 of 9 in gallery section. Image title is Squad 12 in front of harbor (2 of 1).Image 8 of 9 in gallery section. Image title is Lillis brush fire  (2 of 2).Image 9 of 9 in gallery section. Image title is 1200x800.

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